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Are Mushroom Spores Legal?

The short answer — In most places all mushroom spores (including psilocybin mushroom spores) are legal! The reason? Mainly because they contain no psilocybin or psilocyn, but many other reasons discussed in this article also support their legality.

For a more detailed answer as to why this area of spores seems so grey (and why so many people ask if it is illegal to buy mushroom spores or if we can legally buy mushroom spores), continue reading.

The world of mycology becomes ever more prevalent internationally via discoveries about many species of fungi that could help heal us as all the way from an individual level to the planetary level. With these discoveries, naturally people are becoming more interested in how mushrooms work and what they do. Medicinal mushrooms can help heal our bodies by causing unique biological reactions (like how a unique chemical in Turkey Tail mushrooms has anticancer properties), but Psilocybin Mushrooms (otherwise known as Magic Mushrooms) not only work on the individuals biology but also on their mind (ex. Effect of psilocybin on treatment resistant depression ).

As many people struggle in the world today, answers to problems on an individual level can be the start of a whole new life. Finding these answers are not an easy task to say the least, but as technology and information becomes more available people are beginning to find ways that can solve mental issues that many people suffer from and have suffered from for hundreds likely thousands of years (ex. Depression, Substance Use Disorder, many more).

Psilocybin containing mushrooms are mind altering substances at higher doses, whereas a lower/micro dose could be considered a nootropic. It has also been said that Psilocybin can hep promote neurogenesis . As a result of many studies on Psilocybin having positive results, it is now being researched more then ever.

Just like any “drug” psilocybin and psilocyn must and should go through vigorous testing and have many studies conducted on their properties and effects. The mind-altering effects should be used in a controlled setting or under proper prescription. The spores of the mushrooms that contain Psilocybin on the other hand most certainly should also be studied in order to understand the organism more entirely.

**Let us be clear, the legal information in this article is all hypothetical and should in no way be used in an official setting without consulting a real legal advisor. **

As was mentioned at the top of the article, most places allow for the import and possession of spores (some exceptions for example are California, Idaho, and Georgia). The same lack of information regarding spores specifically comes up in the USA and many other countries after doing a bit of a search on google. The illegal substances are psilocybin and psilocyn, as they are the mind-altering substance. So, studying the spores (which contain no psilocybin or psilocyn) in a microscopic setting, or even before a certain stage in growth would very likely but also This erowid article briefly discusses California’s laws on spores. In Canada as well as the USA, the legal status of psilocybin mushroom spores is quite ambiguous. Nothing on the Canadian governments website seems to mention spores specifically , and Wikipedia states “Mushroom spore kits are legal and are sold openly in stores or on the internet as the spores and kits themselves are legal. Psilocybin and psilocin are illegal to possess, obtain or produce without a prescription or license as they are schedule III under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.” slightly potentially be seen as legal.

In an imaginary legal situation, the legal area of spores is so grey and ambiguous currently that by simply studying them the chances of any legal complications arising as a result of possession or sale is quite unlikely. As stated previously, these substances have been proven worthy of research due to their potential positive effects. So even if something were to somehow arise, there would likely be 2 possible outcomes for the most part.

The defendant has been selling spores *for microscopy purposes only*, and the prosecution claims spores are used to grow illegal mushrooms containing psilocybin or psilocyn.

In this situation, the prosecution would for the most part be wasting their time with the defendant, as spores contain no psilocybin or psilocyn and these substances can only be obtained under special and specific circumstances (Gross, 2000). In the worst-case scenario, one may have to hire a lawyer for a case that will very likely get put on hold for quite some time. Due to likelihood of magic mushrooms becoming legal or decriminalized in some way or other, a case like this is very weak for the prosecution as the legal areas are extremely ambiguous.

The defendant has been selling spores negligently and potentially for illegal purposes.

In this situation, the result depends on the degree of negligence. If the defendant is directly selling spores for the purpose of cultivation, they will most likely get in significant amounts of trouble. On the other end of the spectrum if the defendant sells spores for microscopy purposes but provides a grow guide with the spores the case will once again become more ambiguous. On the lighter end of the spectrum, most of those cases seem likely to be put on hold due to new research on psilocybin and psilocyn. Under all circumstances in situation (B) lawyer fees would be a considerable factor.

For the rest of the article, we have extracted information from a study done by Susan T. Gross that explains at which point in the mushroom life cycle psilocybin becomes present in the mushroom mycelium and fruiting bodies. This information highlights the stages at which we can potentially study these mushrooms in a legal manner.

There are 4 stages of the mushroom life cycle. The spores start everything off, then the mycelium begins to form, after that the primordia/pre-fruit form, and then finally come the fruiting bodies we know as mushrooms.

Germination of the spores can only take place in a suitable environment.

As the spores seek nutrients, they grow outward in a branching cobweb like manner (similar to how dendrites branch out, and also similar to how tree branches grow! See picture). This cobweb like branching system is the mycelium. This network of mycelium collects nutrients that will eventually lead to the primordia, and then the fruiting bodies.

Primordia are also known as “knots” or “pin-heads” and this is the starting stage of fruiting body growth. Once the primordia are fully grown, they become fruiting bodies that can disperse spores which then resets the life cycle as the mushrooms begin to decay.

In the study by Susan Gross spore solutions were tested and “No psilocyn or psilocybin were detected in any of the spore solutions.”. Of 29 mycelium samples tested before the primordia began to form “No psilocyn or psilocybin was detected in any of these 29 samples”. Once the primordia began to form “Of the 22 mycelium knot samples, 17 were consistent with psilocyn.”. It was determined that the mycelium knot stage of the mushroom was the earliest stage at which the psychoactive drugs could be detected. It was observed that light affected the time of development and the appearance of these mushrooms, among other specific circumstances which mycelium and later fruiting bodies require to form.

In conclusion, psilocybin mushroom spores are not illegal to buy in most places. The study of spores in a microscopic setting can help us expand our knowledge of spores and these mushrooms as a whole. Abiding by the law is very important as we are still just beginning to understand these substances and organisms, and the laws surrounding these substances are very ambiguous (but also somewhat flexible!) which is why its important to be cautions and do your research! Cultivating these substances is a very dangerous idea and we recommend you never do this unless you are doing it legally (ex. certain governments provide licenses to grow psilocybin for research purposes). Studying spores for microscopy purposes is a great way to learn about psilocybin mushrooms and fungi in general. If one is interested in having a psychedelic experience, they should do the proper research and talk to a doctor or see online about studies near you that can offer you legal psilocybin in a controlled setting.

Thanks for reading, and mush love.

-Liam C

SporesWorldwide’s P.E. 6 spores under a microscope
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Penis Envy Mushrooms: Effects, Benefits & Risks

penis envy mushroom

Penis Envy mushrooms, also known as Psilocybe Cubensis Penis Envy, are one of the most powerful strains of psilocybin mushroom. Penis envy mushrooms are grown from mushroom spores and are highly sought after for their potent effects. Here’s what you need to know about the effects, benefits and risks of these mushrooms.


Penis Envy mushrooms are known for their powerful psychoactive effects. They contain high levels of psilocybin, the active ingredient responsible for the hallucinogenic effects of magic mushrooms. As a result, users can expect intense and long-lasting trips that can last up to six hours.

Some users describe the effects of Penis Envy mushrooms as more intense than other types of magic mushrooms, with deeper visual distortions, a heavy body-feel, profound insights, and a more mystical quality. However, the subjective effects can vary depending on factors such as dosage, set, and setting.


  1. Treatment of Depression and Anxiety: Psilocybin has been shown to have a positive effect on individuals with depression and anxiety. In a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers found that psilocybin-assisted therapy significantly reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer.
  2. Addiction Treatment: Studies have shown that psilocybin-assisted therapy can be effective in treating addiction to substances such as alcohol and nicotine. A small study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that psilocybin-assisted therapy resulted in abstinence from smoking in 80% of participants at a six-month follow-up.
  3. Improved Creativity and Problem-Solving: Some users of psilocybin report enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities. A study published in the journal Translational Psychiatry found that psilocybin enhanced creative thinking and cognitive flexibility in healthy volunteers.
  4. Spiritual and Existential Experiences: Many individuals report having spiritual or existential experiences while under the influence of psilocybin. A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that psilocybin-assisted therapy resulted in significant increases in mystical-type experiences and overall well-being.
  5. Palliative Care: Psilocybin-assisted therapy has shown promise in helping individuals with life-threatening illnesses cope with their condition. A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that psilocybin-assisted therapy resulted in significant reductions in anxiety and depression in patients with life-threatening cancer.


As with any psychedelic substance, there are some risks associated with taking Penis Envy mushrooms. These include:

  1. Bad trips: Some users may experience a bad trip, which can involve feelings of anxiety, fear, or paranoia. These experiences can be particularly distressing when using potent mushrooms like Penis Envy. To reduce this risk, always make sure you are in a good mental state and also a good physical setting.
  1. HPPD: Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) is a rare but possible long-term side effect of psychedelic use. It can result in persistent changes in visual perception, such as seeing halos, trails, or flashes of light, long after the drug has worn off.
  2. Personal safety: Taking any psychedelic substance can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents or injuries. It’s important to take precautions and avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while under the influence.

It is important to note that the possession and use of Penis Envy mushrooms, and other magic mushrooms, is illegal in many countries. Additionally, the effects of magic mushrooms can vary greatly depending on the individual and their set and setting, so it is important to use caution and start with a low dose when trying them for the first time.

In conclusion, Penis Envy mushrooms are a potent strain of magic mushrooms known for their psychoactive effects and documented therapeutic benefits. However, their use is illegal in many countries, and caution should be exercised when trying them for the first time.

ape revert mushrooms


“Psilocybin Mushrooms” by Drug Enforcement Administration:

“Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide” by Paul Stamets

“Effects of psilocybin-assisted therapy on major depressive disorder: a randomized clinical trial” by Alan K. Davis et al. in JAMA Psychiatry

“Psilocybin-assisted therapy: a review of a novel treatment for psychiatric disorders” by Alicia Danforth and Charles Grob in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs

“Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)” by National Institute on Drug Abuse:

“The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead” by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, and Richard Alpert.

  1. Top of Form

Grob, C. S., et al. “Pilot study of psilocybin treatment for anxiety in patients with advanced-stage cancer.” Journal of psychopharmacology 22.6 (2008): 621-632.

Johnson, M. W., et al. “Pilot study of the 5-HT2AR agonist psilocybin in the treatment of tobacco addiction.” Journal of psychopharmacology 28.11 (2014): 983-992.

Kaelen, M., et al. “The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs.” Frontiers in human neuroscience 8 (2014): 20.

Griffiths, R. R., et al. “Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance.” Psychopharmacology 187.3 (2006): 268-283.

Ross, S., et al. “Rapid and sustained symptom reduction following psilocybin treatment for anxiety and depression in patients with life-threatening cancer: a randomized controlled trial.” Journal of Psychopharmacology 30.12 (2016): 1165-1180.

Carhart-Harris, R. L., et al. “The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs.” Frontiers in human neuroscience 8 (2014): 20.

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Golden Teacher Mushrooms: Effects, Benefits & Risks

golden teacher mushrooms


The Golden Teacher mushroom is a well-known variety of psychedelic mushroom that contains psilocybin and psilocin and is grown using mushroom spores. Psilocybin is the main active ingredient in many types of psychoactive mushrooms, and it works by activating serotonin receptors in the brain, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain controls mood, cognition, and perception. Psilocybin-containing mushrooms are often sought after for their therapeutic effects on individuals with various severe psychological disorders.

The effects of psilocybin differ depending on factors such as the amount ingested, past experiences, and expectations. The experienced effects could last for several days, if not months, and can include altered perceptions of time, space, and surroundings, sudden and drastic mood or emotion changes, paranoia, confusion, euphoria, peacefulness, spiritual awakening or enlightenment, hallucinations, visual alterations and distortions, derealization, and distorted thinking. These effects can be influenced by the mindset, as well as the physical setting that the individual is in.

The effects of Golden Teacher mushrooms on the brain are similar to those of LSD, and they can alter perception, mood, and emotions, and can cause psychological distress such as extreme anxiety or short-term psychosis if taken without caution and proper research. The environment in which the mushrooms are consumed is a crucial factor in the user’s experience. Those who consume psilocybin in a calm and supportive environment often have a more positive transforming experience.

Research suggests that psilocybin can have long-term effects on personality. A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that high-dose psilocybin sessions resulted in “significant increases in Openness,” a psychological term for an individual’s attitude toward new experiences, which can be associated with traits like imagination, creativity, and aesthetic appreciation. In nearly 60% of study participants, openness “remained significantly higher than baseline more than 1 year after the session.”

Golden Teacher mushrooms can also cause temporary ego loss, which could be beneficial in the right context. This “ego dissolution” could change people’s outlook or worldview, and the sense of connection produced by this experience has the potential to be beneficial for people suffering from anxiety, depression, and some forms of addiction.

Physically, psilocybin-containing mushrooms are considered one of the least toxic drugs known. While lethal doses have been tested and determined in animals, there are no records for fatal doses of psilocybin mushrooms in humans. The effects of Golden Teacher mushrooms last around 4-6 hours, with peak effects occurring 2-3 hours after ingestion, and can include sensory enhancement and a sense of time changing.


Therapeutic Benefits: Despite the potential risks associated with their use, Golden Teacher mushrooms have been found to have therapeutic benefits for a range of mental health conditions. Here are some of the potential benefits:

  1. Reduced anxiety and depression: Studies have found that psychedelics, such as psilocybin and MDMA, can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in individuals with treatment-resistant conditions.
  2. Improved quality of life: Psychedelics have been shown to improve overall quality of life in individuals with terminal illnesses, by reducing anxiety and depression and providing a sense of connection and meaning.
  3. Increased empathy and social connectedness: MDMA and psilocybin has been found to increase feelings of empathy and social connectedness, making it a promising treatment for social anxiety and PTSD.
  4. Addiction treatment: Psychedelics, such as ibogaine and ayahuasca, have shown promise in treating addiction to drugs such as opioids and cocaine.


Risks: While there are potential therapeutic benefits to using psychedelic substances, there are also risks associated with their use. Some of the risks of using psychedelics include:

  1. Psychological distress: Psychedelic experiences can be intense and unpredictable, which can lead to psychological distress. This can manifest as anxiety, panic attacks, or even psychotic episodes in some cases.
  2. Flashbacks: Some individuals may experience flashbacks, or recurring hallucinations, long after the drug has left their system. These can be distressing and interfere with daily functioning. This is also quite rare, and more common with LSD as opposed to mushrooms.
  3. HPPD: Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) is a rare condition that can occur after using psychedelics. It involves persistent visual disturbances, such as seeing trails or halos around objects.
  4. Legal risks: The possession and use of many psychedelic substances are illegal in most countries. This can lead to legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

In conclusion, Golden Teacher mushrooms are a fairly potent strain of magic mushrooms known for their psychoactive effects and documented therapeutic benefits. However, their use is illegal in many countries, and caution should be exercised when trying them for the first time.


  1. “The Safety and Efficacy of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy.” American Psychiatric Association.
  2. “Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: A New Paradigm in Mental Health Care.” Harvard Medical School.
  3. “The Role of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy in Psychiatry.” Current Psychiatry Reports.
  4. “Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: What You Need to Know.” Verywell Mind.
  5. “Psychedelics and Mental Health: A Population Study.” PLOS One.
  6. “Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials.” Frontiers in Psychiatry.
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Spore Syringe vs Liquid Culture

What is the difference between a spore syringe vs liquid culture?

Multispore syringes and mushroom liquid cultures are distinctively different and easy to tell apart. A mushroom spore syringe will have small (sometimes barley visible) black specks called spores. Liquid mycelium syringes on the other hand will have a cloud of white clumpy mycelium.

What is the difference between a spore syringe and a liquid culture?

Multispore syringes contain mushroom spores that are basically seeds, whereas liquid culture mycelium is like the already developed roots of the fungi. In this sense, the liquid culture has already got a head start on the growth process. The spores still need to become mycelium. This makes for quicker colonization times for liquid culture mycelium, where as multispore syringe inoculation can take a very long time.

Do spores take longer than liquid cultures?

Yes, they do, but you can just make liquid culture from spores via spores to liquid culture. Keeping multispore syringes or spore prints is a great way to preserve genetics and store long term, as spores last a very long time (at least 12 months if made correctly, can last many years). Liquid cultures on the other hand have a shelf life of about 6 months when kept in the fridge.

What is a multispore syringe?

A multispore syringe is spores taken from a spore print and suspended in distilled sterilized water. There are thousands (sometimes millions) of microscopic spores in a multispore syringe or on a multispore spore print. Each one of these single spores contain a unique genetic code, that when combined with other spores has a randomized and unique genetic make up for the later growing fungi. For this reason, when using a multispore syringe, the resulting mycelium and fruiting bodies will have totally random genetics that are based off of a specific set of genetics for that particular mushroom variety, strain, species, etc. Check out more about mushroom spores here.

At the end of the day when it comes down to spore syringe vs liquid culture, both mushroom liquid cultures and multispore syringes and spore prints have unique uses of their own depending how you would personally like to utilize them.

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The Blue Oyster Mushroom

Use A Blue Oyster Mushroom Growing Kit to Yield a Beautiful Bounty – Fungi  Ally

Do you want to get into the word of edible and medicinal mushrooms, but don’t know where to start? Want a good beginner’s spawn that’s fun to grow? Then the blue oyster mushroom is your (fun)guy. Starting out with deep blue caps that mature to gray as the fruiting bodies develop, and with a great resilience to different growing conditions, the blue oyster mushroom is an ideal candidate for a beginner’s fungi garden. The blue oyster mushroom is a member of the Pleurotus ostreatus species, specifically the variant columbinus – this variant of the oyster mushroom is especially resilient in colder weather conditions, and produces a bulkier fruiting body than other oyster mushroom variants. As the oyster mushroom is prized in culinary creations, and even considered a delicacy in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cuisine, blue oyster mushrooms are sure to be an even greater return on your time investment should you choose to foster a fungus such as these. But the usefulness of this species goes deeper than just its uses in cooking…

               The blue oyster mushroom is one of many Pleurotus ostreatus variants looked to for its role in mycoremediation, also known as mycorestoration – the process by which fungi are used to clean pollutants from the environment which are otherwise difficult to remove. Given that blue oyster mushrooms are such durable specimens, the relationship between their hardiness and their effect on the environment becomes clear: Pleurotus ostreatus will devour almost anything it comes into contact with, by virtue of the enzymes it releases into the hardwood trees upon which it usually grows. Given that the chemical bonds found in wood are similar to those found in some pollutants, such as petroleum and pesticides, the potential of using oyster mushrooms to clean up an oil-contaminated wetland or a decomposition-resistant garbage dump is undeniable. Research on this topic is ongoing, and provides hope for a brighter future of human management of the Earth’s resources; especially in developing countries, waste management is an area of concern, and effective mycoremediation would provide not only a cost-effective way of reducing waste, but one which also has the potential to provide valuable fungi as a byproduct. The blue oyster mushroom is just one of a number of viable candidates for this emerging biotechnology.

               I’m not sure how many people would be willing to eat waste-dump blue oyster mushrooms… But hey, some of these funguys grow on poop, right?
